When is the Best Time to Replace Your Windows?

Ashley Christensen
September 2, 2022

As a property owner, you know full well, that one of the aspects of owning a property is the upkeep and maintenance of your property. One of the projects that will need to be done from time to time, and is easy to overlook, is that of replacing and updating your windows. There are many advantages to updating your windows, but one of the biggest questions, you might be curious about once you’ve decided to replace your windows, is when?

Is there a time of year that is better than other times of the year to replace your windows? Is there an advantage to waiting or does it really not matter when you decided to move forward with getting new windows? Depending on where you live, the weather outside might not vary much throughout the course of a year, which means that it wouldn’t really matter when you decide to replace windows. For others, like those who are looking for window replacement Logan, Utah can know that certain times of the year will be more ideal than others.

Generally speaking, windows are bought, ordered, and installed all year round, regardless of your geographical location. That being said, there are some times of the year that are better than other times, and here are a few things to consider to help you decide if you are replacing your windows during a peak time of the year or not.

Spring vs. Summer

Spring and summer tend to be the time of year when most people think about doing major projects around their homes. Whether these are projects that they noticed during the colder winter months or are projects that require better weather; spring and summer are popular times for home projects.


One of the biggest advantages of deciding to have your windows replaced in the warmer months is that it can cut down on your energy cost, as you are not having to turn up your furnace to try and replace the hot air that is escaping out your missing window. Even though the outside temperatures may be warmer, there are precautionary steps that can be taken to help keep your home cool while your windows are being replaced, such as closing the door to the room in which the work is being done to help contain the heat to one room and not spreading to the entire home.

Oftentimes, when homeowners decided it is time to replace their current windows with new windows, it is because they want to take advantage of the energy-saving benefits that come with new windows. When new, energy-efficient windows are installed in spring or summer, this ensures that you are then able to decrease your home's energy consumption and costs, and protect your home from harmful UV rays. New double pane windows are built with a special Low-e coating on the glass, and Argon gas between the panes, to increase the energy efficiency of the windows, helping to provide optimal energy efficiency.


While many people think that spring and summer are ideal times to replace windows, they aren’t wrong, which means it is also the most popular time to replace windows. As a result, demands are up which means you may have to wait longer for windows to get delivered to your residential glass contractor and to get scheduled for installation.

Fall and Winter

Don’t be intimidated by the cooler temps, thinking that you’ll have to wait for warmer weather before you can replace your windows. There are definitely some advantages and some disadvantages to investing in new windows during the cooler months.


Fall is a great time to invest in new windows, as the heat of the summer months has passed, yet the cold winter temps haven’t set in yet. This also means that the demand for installers has also slowed down so that your new windows can get installed faster than during the peak summer months. Similar to that summer installations, professional installers can help to minimize the heat loss during installation, by isolating the room in which they are working. Additionally, new energy-efficient windows can help to keep your home comfortable all winter long, despite the outside temps.


Unlike the warmer months, there are a few more drawbacks to choosing this time of year for window replacements in Logan, Utah than the warmer spring and summer months. Weather can be a big concern with cold temperatures, snow storms, and fall debris hindering the ability to safely access and change out windows. As you can see, there is no clear-cut answer as to when the ideal time to replace your windows is. There are pros and cons to both, which makes the decision of when to replace your windows a personal decision, based on your personal situation and what works best for you and your own situation. Whenever you decide to make the investment, contact your local window replacement Logan, Utah experts at Gordon’s Glass for a free estimate today.

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